Carole King Returns to Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON, DC - Singer, songwriter and environmental activist Carole King returned to Capitol Hill this week (March 8, 2008) to continue her lobbying on behalf of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA, HR 1975 now know as HR 3334). During her time in Washington, she met with members of Congress on both sides of the aisle as well as their staff to encourage them to add their support to the ever-growing list of co-sponsors on this bi-partisan bill. "I walk the halls of Congress on behalf of Americans who don't want their tax dollars subsidizing the destruction of the wild Northern Rockies," Carole commented. "Additionally, I walk the halls on behalf of the land, the water and wildlife. President Jimmy Carter wrote, 'It is our duty and obligation to protect and restore these national treasures.' I'm making sure that I do my part."
NREPA will protect over 24 million acres of land, create jobs and save taxpayers money.
For more information about NREPA, please visit Alliance for the Wild Rockies.