NREPA Bill Introduced in the Senate For the First Time

The Alliance for the Wild Rockies proposal to designate roadless areas in the western United States as wilderness has been introduced in the U.S. Senate for the first time after more than two decades of stalling in the U.S. House. It is known as NREPA, the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act and Carole King has worked tirelessly on it for decades.
NREPA would designate 23 million acres of roadless areas as wilderness and 1,800 miles of streams as Wild and Scenic Rivers in the name of preserving wildlife habitat.
The measure is being pushed by the Alliance for the Wild Rockies. It has been introduced in the U.S. House in every Congressional session since 1992. This year, though, is the first time it has been put forward in a Senate bill.
Mike Garrity, executive director of the group, said he doesn’t think it will pass but that introducing the Senate bill is a major step forward.
“This demonstrates that we are making progress,” he said.
The bill is co-sponsored by seven Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Neither of Montana’s senators have signed on to the bill.
For more information and to help support this bill, please visit Alliance for the Wild Rockies.