
Carole King Visits Capitol Hill

Carole King Visits Capitol Hill

Washington DC - Carole King was mentioned in Roll Call, the No. 1 Capitol Hill publication in readership among Congressional decision-makers. In the column "Heard on the Hill" written by Emily Heil and Elizabeth Brotherton, Carole is recognized for her determination - even a broken foot is not deterring Carole from her ongoing advocacy of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA); she's currently on the Hill meeting with Representatives.

Roll Call is a Washington-based print newspaper (and accompanying website) that covers the people, politics, process and policy on Capitol Hill and strives to provide its readers with the tools, data and access to understand and influence Congress.

In addition, Carole appeared at the press conference along with members of Congress and the Veggie Van Organization to applaud the first ever cross-country road trip by an algae-fueled plug-in hybrid Prius. The vehicle, named Algaeus, is rated at 150mpg and is expected to complete its cross-country trip on about 25 gallons of gasoline in just 10 days. The tour kicked off in San Francisco and will finish in New York City on Friday, September 18.

Roll Call is a subscription-based publication. To learn more about Roll Call, please visit:

To learn more about Algaeus, please visit:

For more information on how you can contact Congress to save the Northern Rockies, please visit:

US Senate
House of Representatives