Americans Attend 'Mustangs on the Hill' Event in support of S. 1579, The Roam Act, to Save American Wild Horses and Burros

WASHINGTON, DC - Americans appeared on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, September 29th, to support legislation that will reinstate the wishes of the American people that were voiced decades ago. In 1971, an unprecedented public outcry by Americans citizens moved Congress to unanimously pass the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act, granting federal protection to America's wild horses and burros as living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West that contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people.
While most Americans have assumed that the wild horses and burros were protected, in fact, a recent change in the law opened the door to inhumane roundups and the possibility of thousands being sent to slaughter. Over 2 million wild horses roamed the lands in the 1800s and now, fewer than 25,000 remain on our public lands. There are now more wild horses in government holding pens than remain in the wild.
Therefore, once again, American citizens MUST speak out to stop these actions and urge our Senators to pass Senate bill S. 1579, the ROAM Act (Restore Our American Mustangs Act). The bill amends the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act by adding important new protections and provisions, such as the banning of helicopter round-ups and the reclaiming of land lost by America's wild horses over the past 30 years. The ROAM Act has already passed the House and will soon be on its way the Senate. It is imperative that Americans stand united and urge our legislators to support S. 1579, the ROAM Act and standing united for OUR wild horses' and burros' future and preservation of OUR heritage and history! It is important to let your voice be heard!
Please call or write to your Senator (link below) NOW!
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