Rockies Prosperity Act Has 187 Bipartisan Cosponsors

Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act re-introduced as Rockies Prosperity Act in Congress
WASHINGTON DC – Rockies Prosperity Act steadily gained support in the House during spring of 2005. Re-introduced into the 109th Congress on March 9th by Representatives Christopher Shays (R-CT) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), the Rockies Prosperity Act currently has 187 co-sponsors, which is only 30 co-sponsors away from a house majority.
Rockies Prosperity Act has the same preservation and restoration components as NREPA. "The bill has always had a strong economic component," says singer/songwriter/activist Carole King. "Rockies Prosperity Act highlights the fact that protecting the environment is also good for the economy. Restoration means immediate jobs, and Rockies Prosperity will save taxpayers $245 million over the next decade."
This visionary environmental bill that will create 2300 new jobs has caught the eye of both Republicans and Democrats. Considered radical when first introduced because it was based on science rather than political boundaries, Rockies Prosperity Act has long been supported by environmental groups and business interests who recognize the ecological and economic value of preserving the region's natural beauty.
For a list of co-sponsors go to